Thursday, 12 March 2015

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Above are the different technologies I have learnt to use within the process of constructing my product. I have used each for constructing many elements that contribute to the process of constructing my product. 


I have learnt to use Prezi in the way to contribute to presenting important information and evaluations of my magazine's construction process. It allows me to input pictures and text into a professional layout that allows a reader to flow through the information with ease. 


I have learnt to use Photoshop in the way to contribute to creating my media product. It helped me construct my front cover, contents page and double page spread. I learnt to use a range of techniques in Photoshop in order to make improvements to my magazine, for example:
The dodge and burn tool I learnt to use to increase or decrease the vibrancy of aspects in my magazine, I used the dodge tool to brighten my models hair colour and eye colour to make her stand out on my cover more, I used the doge tool on elements of her denim jacket to make her hair stand out more by contrasting the darker and brighter colours.
The magic wand tool was a very vital part in creating my magazine and made it easier when using fonts copy and pasted from to remove the white background from the screen cap and enabled me to move the text over elements of my product without any white boxes like on the banner at the bottom of my double page spread for example. 
The magnetic lasso tool was what I learnt to use when creating my flower border and black and white picture with colour flower headband. I used the magnetic lasso tool to highlight around the flowers on my models head, when all the flowers were highlighted I inversed the colour and then changed the hue/saturation of the rest of the photo to create a black and white photo.


I have learnt to use issuu in order to create an element on my blog to present information through a word document, it enables me to input the pages from my word documents and annotate them or rearrange them if I wish. It enables a reader the flick through the word documents in a book form quickly and easily. 

In regards to web spaces, blogger was used as a major role in my coursework, it was used to present all of my work into a blog that can be accessed by a reader, the disadvantages to using a free internet application can be that sometimes websites aren't entirely reliable, and for a while, during the production of my media product blogger was down for a few weeks and blogs couldn't be accessed. Luckily, this problem solved itself out and the blogs could be accessed again. Nonetheless, using web applications that are free are very beneficial to being able to use them without having to pay for them, applications such as Prezi can be payed for exclusive content but still allow free use when using just some of it's applications but the disadvantage is not being able to use all it has to offer for free.

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