Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Construction Schedule

  • During the first two weeks of December I planned to create my front cover. 
  • I then planned to use the remaining week and a half to create my contents page.
  • Using the start of the new term I planned to take two weeks to plan and then create my double page spread
  • I then used the remaining time in January making any changes or improvements to my front cover, contents page or double page spread.

Location, Props & Costume report


In regards to the location of my photoshoot, I decided to do so in my models bedroom with natural lighting, this is because I wanted to have an element of a professional looking photoshoot shot in a studio but wanted to use the very pale pink colour of her walls. This also means I was able to take advantage of the natural lighting without trying to achieve the same look with studio lights. 


The props I used in my photoshoot included the use of my models electric guitar, this was in relation to the music element of my magazine and the narrative of my model being an indie pop star that plays  the guitar. I shot a range of photos with the guitar and decided to use two of the guitar prop use pictures for my polaroids.


Costume use in my photoshoot included a range of three looks; black dress with flannel shirt, black dress by itself and black dress with denim jacket all with or without the use of a flower headband. I chose these styles because I wanted to connote a fashionable but fun look to the pictures, also using the element of indie style (to relate to my magazine) and festival fashion (to relate to my main feature/model).