Monday, 8 December 2014

Magazine Title Moodboard

Using fonts from I've used three different fonts I would like to use for my magazine title, I have chosen the word 'ECRU' that was originally going to be 'FAWN' but after some research I found that it would be more suited to my fashion/music/ magazine to use a fashion or music term and found that the fashion term 'ecru' means fawn colour, and so to relate to this I have chosen a range of fawn colours that will be the titles colour and will choose a final font and colour to use when I begin to design my magazine cover.

Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Coverline Design Idea

This is my finished product for my coverline, heavily based from Wonderlands Taylor Swift issue,I found a similar looking font on named Alba, I was able to download this text into photoshop and typed out the name of my main feature for my magazine, I then made it the same pink colour as Wonderlands. To make the 3D pop out effect with the black shadowing I duplicated the letters separately and then coloured them black and carefully moved them down and left one at a time duplicating over and over again. To then make the white shine effect I did something similar by copying each letter separately and colouring it white and rubbing out parts of the letter I didn't want to show to get the same shape easily. By doing all these I managed to create a coverline I am likely to use for my cover based from my idea from Wonderland.

Monday, 17 November 2014

Font & Colour Moodboard

Coverline Idea

I have chosen to base a coverline idea off of this Wonderland magazine front cover, the use of text on the main feature sub heading of 'Taylor Swift' I think stands out very well and gives a very simple looking magazine some personality and can attract a readers eye very quickly and encourage people to read the magazine. I have found a similar looking font from called 'Alba' and will edit it to look a very similar style and using the bright pink eye catching colour.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Magazine Publishers

Bauer Media Group Publisher

Bauer publishing was first founded in 1875 in Germany. It first entered the UK in 1987 with the launch of Bella magazine and under the name of H Bauer became Britain's third largest publisher that includes women's weekly and TV listings magazines, this includes, Bella, Take A Break, that's life! TV Choice and Total TVGuide as well as a range of puzzle magazines.
Bauer media is a multi-platform group with locations stretching among the UK, since 2007 the Bauer media group has required a vast collection mass media brands such as, heat and Grazia as well as radio brands such as KISS FM UK and Magic and other regional radio brands across the UK's major cities. It has also been associated with music magazines such as Q, Karrang! and MOJO. This publisher is hugely popular reaching over 19 million UK adults every week.

i-D individual publisher 

i-D magazine was first founded by designer and former Vogue art director Terry Jones in 1980. It has mostly been an individually self published magazine and hasn't been apart of any major publishing companies mostly partnering with other magazine companies. In 1984, Tony Elliot from Time Out magazine became a publishing partner with 51% share of the company and later acquired total control of the company in 2004. It was then acquired by VICE magazine in 2012, also a self publishing magazine. Because of their similarities and partnership I have chose to study and look at i-D and VICE magazine as their magazine layout and themes are aspects I would like to include in my own magazine. 

Taking this into consideration I would like my own magazine to be self published with perhaps a partnership with a similar magazine. This is because I prefer the idea of being able to be more free with my own magazine and having it self led instead of having to meet certain criteria's of a publishing company. I think this also helps with the magazine having individuality and not being mass produced to lose quality and uniqueness. 

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Magazine Industry Overview

There are over 3,000 consumer magazines that are available in the UK and reach a massive 87% of the adult population making the UK's consumer magazine industry worth £2.8bn (2008). On average, every person in the UK buys around 22 magazines a year spending £36 a year just on magazines, through more than 1.1 billion consumer magazines being sold in the UK in 2008 making the magazine industry in the UK is a huge part of media consumption.
The top selling magazine in the UK August 2014 were TV Choice coming first selling 1,303,011 copies with increased sales by 1.6%.
The top selling music magazine being FHM selling 37,283 copies.
Although comparing the two the sales gap looks much but taking consumer interest into consideration it shows exactly why these sales are so high for the type of magazines it presents. A TV listings magazine being the top selling represents its huge target audience, 95% of UK homes own a digital TV meaning their target audience can be almost anyone. Whereas a smaller percentage of people will have major interest in music or consider it to be an interest or hobby, making the target audience smaller.

However, magazine's have recently lost print sales on an average of 6.3% due to the increased use of media technology. People are beginning to favour online versions of magazines, books and newspapers due to it's easy accessibility and convenience for the general public. This could also be a problem for magazine's advertisers being the UK consumer advertising market accounting for almost 11% of the entire European market in 2007. Not having the many pages to advertise on could also make magazines lose out on money, not wanting to fog up their websites with constant advertisement which could ultimately drive people away from purchasing the magazine in paper or online.
Magazines still continue to display their online sites to their customers and make them available for them to use, this could be because it can keep readers happy and satisfied to continue buying the magazine by perhaps giving more readable and interactive content through a magazines online website.

In all, the Magazine industry is a vast and widespread business that differentiates in many ways and allows thousands of companies to make masses amount of money and profit and creates thousands of jobs for people in the UK, playing a huge part of our counties economy. Technology still a very new concept, magazines in the past few years haven't adapted well to it's popularity and has become a competitor to the industry, but I think eventually will be able to adapt to technology and still find ways in becoming a bigger and more successful, money-making business.

Friday, 7 November 2014

Magazine Case Study

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Double Page Spread #2

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Double Page Spread

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Contents Page #2

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Contents Page

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Front Cover #3

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Front Cover #2

Textual Analysis of a Magazine Front Cover

Monday, 20 October 2014

Initial Ideas for my Main Task

My initial ideas for my main task of my magazine include creating a fashion music magazine that will appeal to an audience of young adults (age 15-25). I will be using a modern simple layout to appeal to the target audience and will apply what the content of the magazine will be like, using feedback from a questionnaire I can gather what will appeal most to the target audience which will include genres of music, colour use, content and general use of the magazine, one of the questions which ask whether the main feature of the magazine should include an up and coming artist or a popular one and will determine the layout of my cover and my double page spread. I will also be centering the magazine around fashion and include this in a lot of my content including use of celebrity fashion and news.

Friday, 3 October 2014

Questionnaire Data Summary

In our questionnaire data, we found that subsequently more females took part than males did, having 21 females take part and only 9 males. From this we found that the most popular content topics were gossip/celebs, TV/film reviews and music, and the three most popular colours readers like to see on the front cover of a magazine are pink, blue and purple. We also found that subsequently more people said that freebies or discounts would encourage them to buy a magazine, and this should be taken into consideration when making a front cover. Also from our results we found that readers mostly prefer to see people or one person on the front of a magazine cover than anything else and most people said the prefer a magazine to be posted every month. Very divided, we found that just over half of the people we asked said they would read a college magazine if one was published, and only 16 of the 30 people asked prefer to read a magazine by paper rather than on the internet. Finally we asked people if they would contribute to the magazine if it was made and 14 people said yes and 16 said no. With all this data we can us this to create a popular magazine using preferred methods by students.

Questionnaire Data